COLOUR for all your creations

Buy 5 x 60ml colour palette for $35. Choose from our 30 most popular colours or 6 of our favorite palettes.

Summery Yellows
Yellow stands for freshness, cheerfulness, and happiness and it’s a perfect color to use during this summer.

1.Mandarin Orange 2. Citrus 3. Bright Yellow 4.Melon Red 5.Peach

Rosey Reds
“Rose” was first used as a color name in 1382. It gets its name from the typical shade of rose flowers.

1. Mandarin 2.Deep Rose 3.Melon Red 4.Rocket Red 5.Petal Pink

Serene Greens
REFLECTIVE, TRANQUIL, HARMONIOUS. The warm, mid-weight gray offers a fresh twist.

1.Apple Green 2.Jade green 3.Olive Green 4.Leaf Green 5.Jasper Green

Perfect Blues
blue represents both the sky and the sea, freedom, imagination, inspiration, and sensitivity.

1.Baby Blue 2. Jade Green 3.Turquoise 4.Bright Blue 5.Summer Blue

Nuanced Neutrals
with names such as beige, tan, gray, and taupe, are often considered staples of design because they go with almost everything.

1.Cobalt 2.White 3.Crimson 4.Gold Brown 5.Peach Yellow

Elegant Purple
Purple has the balance of red’s stimulation,blue’s calming properties. It is traditionally associated with royalty, majesty, and nobility.

1.Summer Blue 2.Deep Rose 3.White 4.Lavender 5.Viola