Makers workshops

Amazing Projects You Can Make Today.
We’re here to inspire and empower you to create amazing projects that you can be proud of. Our website is full of tutorials, tips, and project ideas to help you unleash your creativity and make something amazing today.

2d slabbing
2D Slabbing and Colour

Slabbing clay is a technique that includes rolling out slabs of clay and then cutting out designed pieces.

Project info: 2 sessions, 1hr/session, (clay, underglaze/glaze and fire incl.)
3d modeling
3D Modeling and Color

A clay modeler’s job is to transform the designer’s idea into a 3D object with slabs of clay.

Project info: 2 sessions, 1hr/session, (clay, underglaze/glaze and fire incl.)
Coiling and Glaze

Coiling is a method of creating pottery. It has been used to shape clay into vessels for many thousands of years.

Project info: 2 sessions, 1hr/session, (clay, underglaze/glaze and fire incl.)
Clay and Fire

Fire process for green ware, bisque-ware. Range from 700C.- 1350C.

Project info: 1 sessions, 1hr/session, (clay, and bisquefire incl.)